Call for Papers; Volume 14, Issue 1 (December 2023 –Februar 2023)
Is in Progress kindly visit the website;
Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology
E-ISSN2278-179X (Available online
(Peer Review official journal of Scientific and Academic Association of India)
Impact Factor: (Year 2022-2023): 2.233
JECET publishes original research papers in the advancement and dissemination of research findings in all related areas such as environmental science, computer science, engineering & technology. The journal has three sections summarized as follows:
- Section A: Environmental science: This section covers agriculture and fisheries, air, water and land pollution, anaerobic digestion, gasification, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Environment and Human activities, etc.
- Section B: Computer Science: This journal covers all the topics of Web Technology, Soft Computing, Theory of Computation, Advanced Compiler Design, Data Mining & Data Warehousing, Artificial Intelligence, Parallel Computing, VLSI Design, etc. 
- Section C: Engineering & Technology: This section deals with Agricultural, Automation, Biomedical, Bio tech., Ceramic, Chemical, Civil, Communication, Design, Electrical, Electronic and Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical, Metallurgical, Mining, Petroleum, etc. For further information kindly visit us at:
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Editorial board scrutinizes the research papers on the following grounds:
- General Results: Editor will check general outline of the manuscript.
- Plagiarism Report: Manuscript will be checked in different Plagiarism software.
- References: Each reference will be checked in Google scholar.
- If the editorial board members accept the article for publication,we will send you all the reports and acceptance letter.
- Review reports will be sent to you via mail within 7-10 working days of time. After then you have to pay a publication charge.
- You have to send copyright form/declaration form along with sign of each or the corresponding author.
Our publication process is continuous. Final article will  be published on the website on every weekend.
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Thanks & Regards
Dr. (Mrs). Divya Parashar
Associate Editor
New Delhi