JECET : Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology. E-ISSN : 2278-179X

      JECET : Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology

Research Papers in Env Science

Management of house hold waste in the three communes of the city of Kindu, in the RDC.

Victor Amuri Abasi, Défi Amuri Assani, Gloire Mukaku Kazadi, Lingot BULEDI AMURI,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.10111.]

A survey was carried out in the city of Kindu, specifically in the commune of Kasuku from the month of June to the month of December 2020. The present study consisted in carrying out an analysis of the problem of household waste management in the aforementioned municipality. The overall objective of this work is to study the major problems related to the management of household waste in Kasuku commune, in order to contribute to their sustainable management. To achieve this, we used documentary methods supported by those of direct questioning surveys. Thus, the results of our investigations showed that the majority of our respondents from the town of Kasuku have temporary bins for storing their waste. The results obtained showed that 73.3% of households have garbage storage bins but this garbage or waste is not sorted, 49.3% of households mix their organic garbage with non-degradable garbage.As for the harmful effects of mismanagement of household waste, the results obtained show that 66.6% of households are aware of the consequences that are linked to the mismanagement of garbage or household waste in the living environment of the population. These are thrown in several places but especially in rivers at a proposition of 26.7% and in a pit in the neighborhood 25.3%; 21% in the streets; 16.7% to the Town Hall structure and 10% to public bins.

Gestion des déchets ménagers dans les trois communes de la ville de Kindu, en RDC

Victor Amuri Abasi, Défi Amuri Assani, Gloire Mukaku Kazadi, Lingot BULEDI AMURI,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.11223.]

Une enquête a été réalisée dans la ville de Kindu, spécifiquement dans la commune de Kasuku à partir du Mois de Juin au mois de Décembre 2020.La présente étude consistait à faire une analyse sur la problématique de la gestion des ordures ménagères dans la commune précitée. Ce travail poursuit comme objectif global d’étudier les problèmes majeurs liés à la gestion des ordures ménagères dans commune de Kasuku, afin de contribuer à une gestion durable des celles-ci. Pour y parvenir, nous nous sommes servis des méthodes documentaires appuyées par celles d’enquêtes par questionnement direct. Ainsi les résultats ressortis de nos investigations ont montrés que la grande partie de nos enquêtés de la commune de Kasuku possède des poubelles provisoires pour les stockages des leurs déchets. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que 73, 3% de ménages possèdent des poubelles des stockages des ordures mais ces ordures ou déchets ne sont pas triés, 49,3% des ménages mélangent leurs ordures bio au non dégradables. Quant aux méfaits de la mauvaise gestion des ordures ménagères, les résultats obtenus montrent que 66,6 % des ménages sont conscients de savoir que les conséquences qui sont liées à la mauvaise gestion des ordures ou déchets ménagers dans le cadre de vie de la population. Celles-ci sont jetées dans plusieurs endroits mais surtout dans les cours d’eau à une proposition de 26,7% et dans une fosse dans le quartier 25,3% ; 21% dans les rues ; 16,7% à la structure de Mairie et 10% aux poubelles publiques.

Inventory on Smart Ladder Drill Prototype for Agility Exercisiting Performances"

Juthamas Singchainara, Chaturong Hemara, Wasana Kuna-apisit, Smich Butcharoen, and Toansakul Tony Santiboon,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.12439.]

To design a smart ladder drill prototype invention on the model agility ladder provides for the most customizable agility training ladder to create a variety of patterns for the best footwork drills and agility training were developed. The physical performance health for general Thai people in the 21st century was improved. The special designs of the ladder allow for a variety of different patterns and drills; an electronic device that uses wireless technology and operates on a rechargeable battery. The timing measurement accuracy and adding foot count features to the device.  A versatile portable training tool that provides coaches and athletes with a tool that can be manipulated by length or width for the best agility training tool. The tool consists of five modes: automatic stopwatch mode, automatic step count mode, automatic stopwatch with steps, manual stopwatch with automatic step count, and automatic step counting within thirty seconds. The results would be displayed on the main control box screen. The sensor pads are installed with lights and a buzzer. Variety people can use including blind and dumb. The conventional ladder drills and smart agility ladder drills were compared. It has found that the smart agility ladder drills are able to have the counting time and the number of footstep more accuracy than the conventional ladder, significantly. The quality of the Smart ladder drill prototype for agility is certified by experts for content consistency. ">

Assessing People’s Satisfaction with Public Services of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization

Sitthiporn Soonthorn, Ratchanida Saiyaros, Rangsun Prasertsri, Watcharin Sutthisai, and Raywat Chatreewisit,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.14052]

This study describes general people’s perceptions of their being satisfied with public services of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization (MSPAO) was assessed. The satisfaction of the people towards the public service of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization by sex, age, education level, and occupation were compared. Management operations of the MSPAO Fiscal year 2020 were advised. Assessing people’s satisfactions’ public services toward the MSPAO’s public services were also determined and obtained using the Questionnaire on Satisfaction Assessment (QSA) in four scales on five option rating scales such asVery Satisfied (5), Satisfied (4), Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied (3), Dissatisfied (2), and Very Dissatisfied (1) with a sample size of 400 public people for determining the dosage by the formula of Taroyamane was administered. Statistically significant was analyzed with frequency, percentage, mean, t-test, and One-Way analysis of variance. It has found that, overall on the level of people's satisfaction with the public service of the MSPAO was at the very satisfying level (95.10%) on five scales with mean average scores, namely: Tax Collection (TaCo), and Disaster Relief Event (TDRE) scale of 95.80%, Emergency Medical Emergency and Notification (EMEN) scale indicates that of 94.80%, and Maha Sarakham Knowledge Park (MSKP) scale (94.00%), respectively. People’s satisfactions with their being responses on their public services toward the MSPAO’s public services were differentiated in statistically significant at the .05 level of the personal factor on sex, age, education level, and occupation, differently.

Research on Charging Infrastructure Planning Based on Kernel Density Analysis

Chundong Li, Tongqing Zhang, Xiaochuan Tan, Xingbang Gao, Dong Guo,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.15358. ]

In order to effectively solve resource and environmental problems, the market of new energy vehicles, represented by electric vehicles, is growing rapidly. The convenience of charging infrastructure layout is an important factor affecting the development of electric vehicles, so how to reasonably add charging infrastructure has become a key issue to be solved. Starting from geography and planning, this paper uses kernel density analysis to explore the spatial distribution of different types of commercial service facilities in Zibo city, and obtains the suitable area for adding charging piles, so as to put forward suggestions for adding charging infrastructure in Zibo.

Homeostasis in shoot apical meristems: The balance between stem cells and differentiated cells

Esin OLUK,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.15971.]

It is known that the shoot apical meristem (SAM) has a dual function in the form of maintaining the existence of an active stem cell population and producing new organs at the same time, and that it maintains these functions with the effect of a group of basic cells in the middle, called the organization centre (OC). A large number of genes and the proteins they encode work in the relevant process. In this study, it has been tried to compile information about some of these genes and their functioning pathways by scanning publications on the subject in recent years.

Effect of blood lead concentration level on blood biological parameters of homeless adolescent in Khartoum City, Sudan

Leila M. A. Hamed, Gaafar K. Nogod, Hythem S.A. Saeed, and Abdelmonem M. Abdellah ,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.17283.]

It is well-documented that blood lead concentration level is greatly affected biochemical parameters of lead exposures. In this study, blood lead level of a total of 120 participants who sniffing lead containing substances was measured to investigate its effect on blood biochemical parameters, e.g., calcium (mg/dl), total protein (mg/dl), albumin (mg/dl), total bilirubin (mg/dl), direct bilirubin (mg/dl), indirect bilirubin (mg/dl), AST (U/L), ALT (U/L), cholesterol and triglyceride. Result indicated that all of the studied biochemical parameters were increased slightly by the increase of blood lead concentration level. The significant increase was noticed in both calcium and total bilirubin levels. Therefore, long-term of sniffing lead-containing substances increases blood lead level and accordingly causes negative health effects.

Description and Significance of Plant Chemotypes

H. Do?a GÜNGÖR and Esin OLUK,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.18491.]

There may be a difference between individuals belonging to the same plant species or even subspecies or varieties in a population, in terms of the amount and varieties of secondary metabolites they produce. Such individuals, who are systematically in the same category and differ in their chemical properties, are called chemotypes. In this study, the factors that are effective in the formation of chemotypes in plants, the naming of the formed chemotypes, the main compounds that vary and the examples of chemotypes were tried to be examined.

Requirements for Germination and in vitro Culture of Scrophularia depauperata BOISS Seedlings: An Endemic Herbaceous of Turkey

Bu?ra BAHÇEC? and Esin OLUK,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.19201.]

Seed germination is the critical stage for species survival. Environmental factors are involved as spatio-temporal indicators of favorable conditions during this process. The current study assessed the effects of light, temperature and growth media on the germination and seedling growth of Scrophularia depauperata  BOISS., a norrow endemic herb from western Turkey. The seeds of the species exhibited an obligate light requirement. Highest germination ratio (71.25 %) occurred at 25 °C, under 16/8 photoperiod and in water agar (A), at the end of 14 d. Full strength Murashige Skoog’s medium (F) redounded to 28 d seedling growth in the manner of root/shoot elongation ratio and seedling dry/fresh weight. 1mg/L IBA robusted  the roots of the in vitro grown plantlets. Acclimatization consisted of two steps: Well rooted and acclimated seedlings in sand:peat:perlite substrate in a misty growth chamber (i), then were transferred and survived with 62 % in common garden soil in the greenhouse (ii). These results are expected to provide infromation which could be used for the establishment of Scrophularia depauperata  Boiss. in its natural habitat.

Requerimientos para la Germinación y Cultivo in vitro de Plántulas de Scrophularia depauperata  BOISS. : Una Herbácea Endémica de Turquía

Bu?ra BAHÇEC? Y Esin OLUK,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.20210]

La germinación de las semillas es el factor crítico para la supervivencia de las especies y depende de diferentes factores ambientales. En este estudio se evaluaron los efectos de la luz, temperatura y del medio de crecimiento sobre la germinación y posterior desarrollo de plántulas de Scrophularia depauperata  BOISS., una planta endémica de la región Oeste de Turquía. Las semillas mostraron un requerimiento total de luz. Las tasas mayores de germinación (71.3%) ocurrieron a 25°C a en un fotoperiodo de 16 h en agar simple (medio A) después de 14 días. Plántulas mantenidas en medio con las sales completas de Murashige y Skoog (medio F) mostraron un buen crecimiento observado como el cociente de la elongación raíz/parte aérea y peso seco/peso seco total. La inclusión de 1 mg l-1 de ácido indolbutírico favoreció el desarrollo de la raíces de las plántulas crecidas in vitro. La aclimatización incluyo una primera etapa en una mezcla tripartita de arena, turba y perlita en una cámara húmeda que resultó en un 62% de sobrevivencia, seguida por el trasplante definitivo a condiciones de invernadero. Estos resultados proveerán información para programas de propagación de Scrophularia depauperata  BOISS.y su posterior establecimiento en condiciones de su hábitat natural.

Macroscopic and microscopic characterizations of the gonads of the Guinean amberjack, Seriola carpenteri (Mather, 1971) from the artisanal maritime fishery in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Côte d'Ivoire.

Laizih Yves-Armand ATTEMENE, Vincent KADJO, Jean Noel YAPI, Mélécony Célestin BLE and Kouakou YAO,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.21120.]

Characterization of the gonads of the Guinean amberjack, Seriola carpenteri (Mather, 1971) was undertaken based on macroscopic and microscopic observations of the gonads. The specimens come from the Ivorian Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ), in the Gulf of Guinea. For example, a sample of 360 specimens of Seriola carpenteri (Mather, 1971) was sampled for 30 individuals per month from August 2017 to July 2018. Thus, each month the specimens of Seriola carpenteri sampled, are transported to the laboratory of pathological anatomy (AnaPath) for a histological study of the gonad in order to identify males and females. For each individual, the macroscopic aspect of the gonad was described. Then, a fragment of gonad in each individual was subjected to microscopic study. Macroscopic and microscopic characterization of female and male gonads highlighted six macroscopic and six microscopic stages. The oogenesis is continuous which translates that the ovaries of Seriola carpenteri are part of the synchronous type group.

Comparative Study on the Number of Nodules of Three Legumines (Soy, Niebe and Peanuts) and the Correlation with the Level of Soil Fertility at Lwama I Site, Town of Kindu

Lingot Buledi Amuri ; Salumu Djumaa, Défi Amuri Assani, Brakus Yuma Brahimu,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.22132.]

The overall objective of this work was to make a comparative study on the number of nodules of three legumes (peanuts, soybeans and cowpeas) and the correlation with the level of soil fertility at the Lwama I site, town of Kindu.To do this, an experimental set-up in randomized complete blocks, comprising three treatments and six repetitions, was set up; The results obtained showed that: For the number of nodulation, peanuts had a higher number with the average of 38 while the lowest number was observed in soybeans with the average of 0 and the intermediate number was observed in cowpeas with the average of 10;For the number of active nodules, peanuts had a higher number with the average of 26 while the lowest number was observed in soybeans with the average of 0 and the intermediate number was observed in cowpeas with the average of 8;Regarding the level of soil nitrogen fertility, the work done in the laboratory proves that the soil sown by soybeans had given a very high quantity of nitrogen with the average of 3 mg N / l, while the lowest quantity was obtained in the soil not sown by a legume with a quantity less than zero mg N / l and the intermediate quantities were obtained in the soil sown by peanuts with the average of 1.6 mg N / l and at soil sown by cowpea with an average of 1.8 mg N / l.

Etude Comparative Sur Le Nombre De Nodules De Trois Légumineuses (Soja, Niébé Et Arachide) Et La Corrélation Avec Le Niveau De La Fertilité Du Sol Au Site Lwama I, Ville De Kindu

Lingot Buledi Amuri ; Salumu Djumaa, Défi Amuri Assani, Brakus Yuma Brahimu,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.23345.]

Le présent travail avait comme objectif global de faire l’étude comparative sur le  nombre de nodules de trois légumineuses (arachide, soja et niébé) et la corrélation avec le niveau de la fertilité du sol au site Lwama I, ville de Kindu. Pour ce faire, un dispositif expérimental en blocs complets randomisés, comportant trois traitements et six répétitions, a été mis en place ;Les résultats obtenus ont montré que : Pour le nombre de nodulation, l’arachide avait un nombre plus élevé avec la moyenne de 38 tandis que le nombre le plus faible était observé chez le soja avec la moyenne de 0 et le nombre intermédiaire était observé chez le niébé avec la moyenne de 10 ;Pour le nombre de nodules actifs, l’arachide avait un nombre plus élevé avec  la moyenne de 26 tandis que le nombre le plus faible était observé chez le soja avec la moyenne de 0 et le nombre intermédiaire était observé chez le niébé avec la moyenne de 8 ;Pour ce qui concerne le niveau de la fertilité du sol en azote, le travail fait au laboratoire prouve que, le sol semé par le soja avait donné une quantité d’azote très élevée avec la moyenne de 3 mg N/l, tandis que la quantité la plus faible était obtenu au sol non semé par une légumineuse avec une quantité inférieure à zéro mg N/l et les quantités intermédiaires étaient obtenues au sol semé par l’arachide avec la moyenne de 1,6 mg N/l et au sol semé par niébé avec la moyenne de 1,8mg N/l.

Morpho biometric characterization of goats (capra hircus) in the city of Kindu and its hinterlands

Brakus YUMA BRAHIMU, Défi AMURI ASSANI, Lingot BULEDI AMURI, Freddy OKITAYELA ONAWOMA,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.14659.]

The morpho-biometric characterization of goats was carried out in the town of Kindu. The animal population consisted of 121 goats including 97 females and 24 males aged between one and five years. The study focused on qualitative characteristics (coat color, presence (horn shape) or absence of horns, ear shape and body shape); on the quantitative characteristics (live weight (PV), length of the head (LT), length of the horns (LCorn), length of the ears (LO), scapulo-ischial length (LSI), length of the pelvis (LB), chest (TP), depth of the chest (PP), height at the withers (HG) and height at the sacrum (HS)) and on the biometric (or zootechnical) indices (body index or ratio (IB), the calculated weight ( PV), relative chest depth (PT) and body ratio (CR)). All the quantitative characteristics studied are positively and strongly correlated with each other. There are significant variations between weight, age and sex, but when it comes to breeding areas, they show no significant difference (p <0.1).Phenotypic diversity was observed within the goat population: Bucks are lighter (20.65 ± 4.64 kg) compared to females (28.10 ± 6.33 kg); they have characteristics similar to Djallonké goats while the females are much more like the Senegalese Sahel goat than the Fouta-Djalon dwarf goat. The average measurements were: PV = 26.62 ± 6.72 kg, LT = 15.53 ± 1.14cm, LCorn = 12.173 ± 3.16cm, LO = 12.69 ± 0.89cm, LSI = 57.545 ± 4.38cm, LB = 18.650 ± 1.56cm, XS = 69.793 ± 6.09cm, PP = 25.177 ± 2.30cm, HG = 51.751 ± 2.99cm and HS = 54.170 ± 2.92cm. Observations relating to zoo technical indices have shown that Kindu goats are mainly short-lined of the rectangular type, small in size (heliometric), close to the ground, with a rectilinear dorsal line, diverse coat color, horn tilted backwards (ibex ) and erect ears.

Caractérisation Morpho Biométrique Des Caprins (Capra Hircus) Dans  La Ville De Kindu Et Ses Hinterlands

Brakus YUMA BRAHIMU, Défi AMURI ASSANI, Lingot BULEDI AMURI, Freddy OKITAYELA ONAWOMA,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.26073.]

La caractérisation morpho biométrique des caprins a été réalisée dans la ville de Kindu. La population animale était constituée de 121 caprins dont 97 femelles et 24 mâles âgés de un à cinq ans. L’étude a porté  sur les caractères qualitatifs  (couleur de la robe, présence (forme de corne) ou absence des cornes, forme des oreilles et forme du corps) ; sur  les  caractères quantitatifs (poids vif (PV), longueur de la tête (LT), longueur des cornes (LCorn), longueur des oreilles (LO), longueur scapulo-ischiale (LSI), longueur du bassin (LB), tour de la poitrine (TP), profondeur de la poitrine (PP), hauteur au garrot (HG) et hauteur au sacrum (HS))  et sur les indices biométriques (ou zootechniques) ( indice ou rapport corporel (IB), le poids calculé (PV), profondeur thoracique relative (PT) et ratio corporel(RC)). Tous les caractères quantitatifs étudiés sont corrélés positivement et fortement entre eux. Il y a des variations significatives entre le poids, l’âge et le sexe mais quant aux zones d’élevage, ils ne présentent aucune différence significative (p<0,1).Une diversité phénotypique a été observée au sein de la population caprine : Les boucs sont moins lourds (20,65 ± 4,64 kg) par rapport aux femelles (28,10 ± 6,33 kg) ; ils présentent des caractéristiques proches aux boucs Djallonké tandis que les femelles s’apparentent beaucoup plus à la chèvre du Sahel Sénégalaise qu’à la chèvre naine de Fouta-Djalon. Les mensurations moyennes ont été : PV=26,62 ± 6,72 kg, LT=15,53 ± 1,14cm, LCorn=12,173±3,16 cm, LO=12,69±0,89cm, LSI=57,545±4,38cm, LB=18,650±1,56cm, TP=69,793±6,09cm, PP=25,177±2,30cm, HG=51,751±2,99cm et HS=54,170±2,92cm. Les observations relatives aux  indices zootechniques  ont montré que les caprins de Kindu sont majoritairement brévilignes du type rectangulaire, de petit format (héliométrique), près de terre, à ligne dorsale rectiligne, couleur de la robe diversifiée, corne inclinée vers l’arrière (ibex) et à oreilles dressées.

Uptake of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb by castor oil plant (Ricinus communis L., Euphorbiaceae) growing wildly near waste dump site and assessment of phytoextraction capability for heavy metals">

Alok Awasthi ,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.10.2.27484.]

Several plants have unique characteristic to selectively bio-concentrate heavy metals from contaminated soil into the roots and translocating to their shoots. Present study was carried out to evaluate the metal uptake potential of Castor oil plant, Ricinus communis L, Eurphobaceae, abundantly growing near waste dump site, for Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb. The bio-concentrated levels of studied metals in the samples of soil and plant parts were determined. The bio-concentration factors (BCF), translocation factors (TF) and bio-accumulation coefficients (BAC) for studied metals were computed, to assess the phytoremediation potential of the Castor oil plant for studied heavy metals.  The levels of heavy metals observed in soil, root and shoots of castor oil plant samples were: Pb (18.28 ±0.52) > Cr (14.46± 0.41) > Ni (7.54± 0.28) > Cu (6.88± 0.23) > Cd (2.86± 0.11) and Pb (18.64± 0.45) > Cr (15.92±0.36) > Ni (10.57±0.31) >Cu (9.14± 0.27) > Cd (3.84± 0.13) and Pb (19.76±0.49) > Cr (17.83±0.41)>Ni (13.95 ±0.29)>Cu (11.52±0.33) > Cd (5.42±0.16 mg/Kg, dw), respectively.  The computed values of soil to roots bio-concentration factors, BCFRoot for studied metals were: Cd (1.34) > Cu (1.33) >Ni (1.11) > Cr (1.10)>Pb (1.02). The order of various root to shoot translocation factors, TFShoot for these metals in Ricinus communis L. was: Cd (1.41) > Ni (1.32) > Cu (1.26) > Cr (1.12) > Pb (1.06) and the order of soil to shoot bio-accumulation coefficients, BACShoot was: Cd (1.89) > Ni (1.85)> Cu (1.67) > Cr (1.23) >Pb (1.08), respectively.  The higher values of BCF, TF and BAC all being >1 for studied metals suggests that the Ricinus communis L. has a good potential for phytoextraction (phytoremediation) of studied heavy metals from contaminated soil.



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