Success rates in the search for high productivity in basement aquifers in general are limited. Current statistics show a large difference depending on the geological context and geographical areas. The Gbêkê region in Côte d'Ivoire is based on the presence of both altered rocks and fractured crystalline rock aquifers. The complexity of the crystalline basement makes access and exploitation of groundwater difficult in the rural areas of the Region. Consequently, the satisfaction of the drinking water needs of the population of the area is linked to a better knowledge of the geometry of the discontinuous aquifer. The objective of this study is to determine, map and evaluate the hydrodynamic parameters of the fractured horizon. The method is based on the quantification of the "useful and critical thickness" and productivity properties of water boreholes in the Gbêkê region in order to set up a conceptual layer model for this hydrogeological context. The storage coefficient was evaluated with the scooping method and the recharge was evaluated with the Thornthwaithe method. The results after the application of the "percentile" method at 80% of the cumulative linear flows show that for the most productive part of the fractured layer, the "useful thickness" of the basement aquifer of the Gbêkê Region was evaluated at 18m and the critical drilling thickness at 90% at 26m. The resulting linear average flow rate is 0.4 m3/h/m and 7.6 m3/h for the flow of the useful fissured horizon. As for the critical average linear flow rate, it is 0.3 m3/h/m and 7.8 m3/h for the flow rate of the critical cracked horizon. The values of transmissivities are between 1.07.10-?et 4.34x10-? m²/s. The values of the specific flow rates vary between 0.01 and 2.2 m²/h with an average of 0.24 m²/h. The storage coefficient varies from 2.84.10-04 to 9.62x10-01. The permeability of fissured horizons fluctuate from 5.22x10-08 m.s -1 to 3.08.10-05 m.s -1 with an average of 2.66x10-06 m.s -1. Recharge in the region has been evaluated at 80.02 mm /year. The determination of these parameters is extremely important for the productivity of water drilling in the Gbêkê area.">
Innocent K. KOUAME , Boris K. KOUAME, Kouadio KOFFI, Aristide G. Douagui,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.11.1.00125]
USSENI NASIBU Hilaire ; Alphonse KITOKO Samuel et MWISSA MUSOKE Venant ,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.11.1.02637.]
In order to contribute to the mastery of medicinal plants used for the treatment of various pathologies which affect the populations of the MIKELENGE commune in the town of Kindu, an ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological survey was carried out. Semi-structured interviews and participatory observations were carried out between July and August 2021 with 49 traditional healers sampled by our surveys. A reference herbarium was prepared and the samples were identified at the herbarium of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Kisangani. The study carried out with these traditional healers identified 55 plant species belonging to 51 genera and 37 families. Among them harvested, the most represented is that of the Fabaceae, which alone has 6 species, ie 10.9%; Then come the Euphorbiaceae, Asteraceae and Poaceae families which each have 4 species, or 7.3%.The recorded species were mostly herbaceous, ie 41.8%; followed by shrubs (shrubs) and trees with 25% and 20% respectively. The leaves are the most commonly used part of the plant, at 64%, while the most widely used recipe preparation method is infusion, at 27.7%. As regards the mode of administration of the products of these recipes, the oral route is the most preferred, ie 71.4%;The local importance of herbal medicines was determined based on the medicinal parameter Use Value (med.UVs). The med. UVs of plants registered with traditional healers in Mikelenge commune the highest are those of Aloe vera (0.35), Carica papaya (0.29) and Euphorbia hirta (0.18). The ecological parameters of plant species have made it possible to identify different types of biotopes with 32% of species cultivated in fields and 27% of species from primary forests.
USSENI NASIBU Hilaire ; Alphonse KITOKO Samuel et MWISSA MUSOKE Venant.,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.11.1.03849]
Dans le but de contribuer à la maitrise des plantes médicinales utilisées pour les traitements de différentes pathologies qui affectent les populations de la commune MIKELENGE dans la ville de Kindu, une enquête ethnobotanique et ethnopharmacologique a été menée. Des interviews semi-structurées et des observations participatives ont été effectuées entre Juillet et Août 2021 auprès de 49 tradipraticiens échantillonnés par nos enquêtes. Un herbier de référence a été confectionné et les échantillons ont été identifiés à l’herbarium de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université de Kisangani. L’étude réalisée auprès de ces tradipraticiens avait permis d’identifier 55 espèces végétales appartenant à 51 genres et 37 familles. Parmi les familles récoltées, la plus représentée est celle des Fabacées qui, à elle seule compte 6 espèces, soit 10,9% ; viennent ensuite les familles des Euphorbiacées, des Astéracées et des Poacées qui ont chacune 4 espèces, soit 7,3%. Les espèces enregistrées ont été en majorité des herbacées, soit 41,8% ; suivi des arbustes (arbrisseaux) et des arbres avec respectivement 25% et 20%. Les feuilles représentent la partie de la plante la plus souvent utilisée, soit 64%, tandis que le mode de préparation des recettes majoritairement utilisé est l’infusion, soit 27,7%. En ce qui concerne le mode d’administration des produits de ces recettes, la voie orale est la plus préférée, soit 71,4% ;
L’importance locale des plantes médicinales a été déterminée sur la base du paramètre médicinal Use Value (med.UVs). Les med. UVs des plantes enregistrées auprès des tradipraticiens de la commune Mikelenge les plus élevés sont ceux d’Aloe vera (0,35), Carica papaya (0,29) et Euphorbia hirta (0,18). Les paramètres écologiques des espèces végétales ont permis d’identifier différents types de biotopes avec 32% d’espèces cultivées dans les Champs et 27% d’espèces de forêts primaires.
Water birds in some wetlands in the Shettihalli wildlife sanctuary, Shivamogga, Karanataka
Shwetha A,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.11.1.05062.]
Using the point count method, conducted a study on bird diversity and distribution in four wetlands of Shettihalli wildlife sanctuary, Shimoga. Shanon’s and Simpson diversity indices showed similarly close but the variation in the species was high. The population of the species also varied across the four waterholes. In our study, among the water birds 34 species were identified which spread across 14 families. Among the listed water birds 4 species had the tag of NT and one species with VU. We even listed seven bird species which were directly dependent on wetlands for their food like kingfishers and some birds of prey like Brown fish owl, Grey-headed fish eagle, Osprey and others. Six more species of birds were added to the list which relied for roosting or for nesting along the wetland habitats like hornbills, weaver birds and others. So, in total 46 species spread across 25 families of birds were identified along the four wetlands. 18 species of water birds were present commonly in all the four wetlands selected for the study. 8 species of other birds which are dependent on wetlands for various reasons were commonly found.
Experimental study on soil unloading
SHI Ping ,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.11.1.06368]
According to the stress-strain relationship of the soil under the unloading state of the foundation pit, the unloading experiment is done. The experimental behavior of the soil is analyzed under the unloading stress path. The test results of each group are analyzed in terms of (σa-σr ) ? εa curve and u?εa curve respectively.
Application of green building materials in civil engineering construction
SHI Ping ,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.11.1.06973.]
With the continuous development of society and economy, the market for green building materials is slowly being opened up, and people are paying more and more attention to the functionality of green building materials. As long as everyone can protect the environment, then in the future construction market, The development space of green building materials will be very broad, and its application in the construction of civil engineering perfectly achieves the effect of green and environmental protection. At present, there is still a long way to go in the development and application of green building materials in my country, and more research and development by technicians are needed to change the state of my country's construction industry as soon as possible, and to achieve the strategic goal of sustainable development of green building materials. Only by constantly approaching the concepts of energy saving, green and environmental protection, and constantly improving and replacing building materials, can we truly promote civil engineering construction that meets the needs of green energy saving and environmental protection.
MWISSA MUSOKE Venant , MOKE LUKUSA Bopol , MUBWANA SHABANI César , USSENI NASIBU Hilaire & ALPHONSE KITOKO Samuel,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.11.1.07482]
The general objective of this work was to verify the influence of organic amendments (chicken droppings, pig droppings and wood ash) on the yield of the "Zea mays" corn crop cultivated at the Lwama I site, in the City of Kindu.To do this, an experimental set-up in randomized complete blocks comprising four treatments and four repetitions was set up. The results obtained showed that the best treatment was the droppings of chickens having produced 5.4 t / ha while the lowest yield was obtained by the control treatment with 2.6 t / ha and the intermediate yields were obtained by pig droppings with 4.6 t / ha and wood ash with 3.5 t / ha. This implies that the treatment amended by the chicken droppings presents the best yield on the cultivation of corn in our environment.
MWISSA MUSOKE Venant , MOKE LUKUSA Bopol , MUBWANA SHABANI César , USSENI NASIBU Hilaire & ALPHONSE KITOKO Samuel,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.11.1.08391]
Le présent travail avait comme objectif général de vérifier l’influence des amendements organiques (fientes de poules, déjections de porcs et cendre de bois) sur le rendement de la culture du Maïs « Zea mays » cultivée au site Lwama I, dans la Ville de Kindu.Pour ce faire, un dispositif expérimental en blocs complets randomisés comportant quatre traitements et quatre répétitions a été mis en place. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que le meilleur traitement était les fientes de poules ayant produit 5,4 t/ha tandis que le rendement le plus faible était obtenu par le traitement témoin avec 2,6 t/ha et les rendements intermédiaires étaient obtenus par les déjections de porcs avec 4,6 t/ha et la cendre de bois avec 3,5 t/ha.Ceci implique que le traitement amendé par les fientes de poules présente le meilleur rendement sur la culture du Maïs dans notre milieu.
This study was carried out in the Province of Maniema (City of Kindu, Territory of Kibombo and Kaïlo) from June 2020 to June 2021 and the main purpose of this study was to be able to make an assessment or a diagnosis on the promotion of entrepreneurship of young university graduates by the provincial government in the agricultural sector. To achieve this, the data collection techniques used were mainly based on surveys carried out among 120 people (young people, administrative officials and notables) from Kindu, Kibombo and Kaïlo; Percentage and Chi-square test were chosen as a comparison index for the significance level of the data.Evidence on the ground has shown us that the public administration in Maniema makes little effort to promote (supervise, inform and support) young graduates of universities in Maniema in agricultural entrepreneurship so that they take responsibility for themselves. load, however these efforts are so thin that they do not meet the expectations of young people, all the more 58.3% of our respondents affirmed that there had not been enough of the specific provisions that were taken for this cause by the State to support them and encourage entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector. And after processing and analyzing the data, the statistical test revealed the ineffectiveness of the provincial government's actions in this area.
Cette étude s’est effectuée en Province du Maniema (Ville de Kindu, Territoire de Kibombo et de Kaïlo) du mois de Juin 2020 au mois de Juin 2021et avait pour principal objet de pouvoir faire un bilan ou un diagnostic sur la promotion de l’entrepreneuriat des jeunes diplômés d’universités par le gouvernement provincial dans le secteur agricole. Pour y parvenir les techniques de collecte des données utilisées ont relevé essentiellement des enquêtes réalisées auprès de 120 personnes (Jeunes, Cadres de l’administration et Notables) de Kindu, Kibombo et de Kaïlo ; le pourcentage et test de Chi-carré ont été choisis comme indice de comparaison du seuil de signification des données.L’évidence sur terrain nous a montré que l’administration publique au Maniema fournit tant soit peu des efforts pour promouvoir (encadrer, informer et accompagner) les jeunes diplômés d’universités au Maniema dans l’entrepreneuriat agricole pour qu’ils se prennent en charge, cependant ces efforts sont si minces qu’ils ne sont pas à la hauteur des attentes des jeunes d’autant plus 58,3% de nos enquêtés ont affirmé qu’il n’y avait pas eu assez des dispositions spécifiques qui ont été prises pour cette cause par l’Etat pour les accompagner et inciter à entreprendre dans le domaine agricole. Et après traitement et analyse des données, le test statistique a relevé l’inefficacité des actions du gouvernement provincial dans ce domaine.
Shadari Salumu Al hadid and Ngama Boloy,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.11.1.10815.]
With the aim of improving production, the supply of healthy seeds to the majority of rural producers, a comparative trial on the offshoot power of local banana and plantain cultivars found in the study area was conducted in macro propagation by the PIF method. Specifically, the study aimed to determine the cultivars that would produce better in quantity and quality and also to determine their adaptation to real environments after weaning and transplanting to the field.The apical meristems of banana and plantain trees were destroyed and made it possible to induce the induction and proliferation of numerous buds. Thus, the Mbudi and Kebobo plantains were very early in recovery (25 days after placing in the tank) unlike the Bisamunyo banana (30 days for recovery). The recovery rate was relatively high for all the banana and plantain cultivars used, i.e. 100%. On the other hand, the highest number of shoots emitted per bulb was relatively 6 and 7 shoots per bulb for Mbudi and Kebobo plantains. On average, growth in height and diameter was 10.3cm and 1.43cm respectively at 20 days. For height, the highest was found on the Bisamunyo banana tree (12.2cm at 20 days from recovery) followed by Kebobo plantain (10.4cm at 20 days from recovery). A high mean diameter growth was obtained on the Bisamunyo banana (1.43cm) and the Kebobo plantain (1.01cm). On the other hand, leaf area varied from 71.6cm2 to 93.6cm2 where the highest area was observed on Bisamunyo banana (93.6cm2) and Kebobo plantain (89.8cm2). At 55 days after weaning and transplanting, the number of leaves emitted was 4 for all cultivars, with height growth of 30cm (Bisamunyo), 29cm (Kebobo) and 27cm (Kebobo). Diameter growth was 6.3cm; 2.3cm and 2.2cm respectively for Bisamunyo, Mbudi and Kebobo. As for the leaf area, it varied from 493cm2 to 622cm2. Indeed, the Bisamunya banana plant showed more vigorous vegetative growth in the macro propagation tank than in the field after weaning, compared to the Mbudi and Kebobo plantains. Furthermore, all cultivars adapt well to the field after weaning.">
Shadari Salumu Al hadid et Ngama Boloy,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.11.1.11624]
Dans l’objectif d’améliorer la production, l’approvisionnement en semences saines à la majorité des producteurs ruraux, un essai d'évaluation sur le pouvoir rejetonnant de cultivars de bananier et plantains locaux trouvés dans la zone d’étude était conduit en macro propagation par la méthode de PIF. Spécifiquement, l’étude visait à déterminer les cultivars qui produiraient mieux en quantité et qualité et déterminer aussi leur adaptation en milieux réel après sevrage et transplantation au champ. Les méristèmes apicaux des bananiers et plantains ont été détruits et ont permis de provoquer l’induction et la prolifération de nombreux bourgeons. Ainsi, les plantains Mbudi et Kebobo étaient très précoces à la reprise (25 jours après la mise en bac) contrairement au bananier Bisamunyo (30 jours pour la reprise). Le taux de reprise a été relativement élevé sur l'ensemble des cultivars de bananier et plantains utilisés soit 100%. Par contre, le nombre de rejets émis par bulbes le plus élevé a été relativement de 6 et 7 rejets par bulbe pour les plantains Mbudi et Kebobo. La hauteur, le diamètre au collet et la surface foliaire les plus importants ont été observés chez le bananier Bisamunyo soit respectivement de 12,2 cm ; 1,43 cm et 93,6 cm2. A 55 jours après sevrage et transplantation au champ, le nombre de feuilles émises a été de 4 pour tous les cultivars, avec une croissance en hauteur de 30cm (Bisamunyo), 29cm (Mbudi) et 27cm (Kebobo). La croissance en diamètre était de 6,3cm ; 2,3cm et 2,2cm respectivement pour Bisamunyo, Mbudi et Kebobo. La surface foliaire à 55 jours après transplantation au champ, a quant à elle était de 622cm2 (Bisamunyo) ; 507 cm2 (Mbudi) et 493cm2 (Kebobo). En effet, le bananier Bisamunya s’est montré plus vigoureux en croissance végétative dans le bac à macro propagation, que dans le champ après sevrage, par rapport aux plantains Mbudi et Kebobo. Néanmoins, les plantains Mbudi et Kebobo produisent beaucoup de rejets avec la méthode PIF (après la destruction du méristème apical). Par ailleurs, tous les cultivars s’adaptent bien au champ après leur sevrage.
Hao Yujiao,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.11.1.12531.]
With the rapid increase in vehicle ownership, exhaust pollution has become one of the important sources of air pollution in China. Effective methods to solve this problem are to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of vehicle pollutants and formulate targeted emission reduction countermeasures. In this study, the MOVES model is modified locally, and the localized vehicle emission measurement method for Zibo City is determined. Then, the Zhangdian District of Zibo City is meshed with ArcGIS, and combined with the real-time road conditions, the refined vehicle emission measurement method is realized. Based on the display results, the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of motor vehicle pollutant emissions are analyzed. The analysis results show that there are obvious differences in the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of pollutants during peak and peak periods, which provides data support for the formulation of emission reduction countermeasures.
A qualitative approach to the analysis of systems of multiple environment pollutants
Bill Karakostas ,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.11.1.13240]
We present an approach that analyses in a qualitative manner the relative strength of contribution of different agents (pollution sources) to a single pollution sink, using input proxies such as the agents’ energy consumption levels. We employ qualitative analysis techniques and symbolic string processing to apportion pollution contribution to each agent, and to identify the most effective strategies to reduce pollution, based on different criteria such as fairness of energy consumption reduction policies.
Prevailing trends of aerosol optical depth in Egypt
Kassem Kh. O,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet. A.11.1.14154]
The main objective of the paper is to study the long-term trend of AOD in Egypt during the period from 2000 to 2021. The daily data are collected using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The trend analysis of the AOD is performed using the Mann-Kendall test. For estimating the true slope of an existing trend the Sen's nonparametric method is used. The trend analysis is carried out for two cities that differed in the degree of pollution and the climate, Cairo, and Qena. The results show, at significant level alpha = 0.05, AOD trend in Cairo shows a decreasing trend for different time scales, monthly, seasonally, and annually. While in Qena there is a negative trend only for the monthly values, and there are no trends for the seasonal and the annual values. The slopes of the trend in Cairo are -0.00015, -0.00047, and -0.00187 for the monthly, seasonally, and annually trends, respectively. While in Qena it is -8.4E-05 for the monthly trend. The negative trends in Cairo may reflect the effort made for decreasing the air pollution from the traffic and industrial sectors. While the atmosphere of Qena may be represent the background atmosphere.